Young eco warriers fly the flag with pride

Young eco warriers fly the flag with pride

23th December 2014


PRIMARY school children are flying the flag after becoming the first in town to secure an eco-award.

Year 5 and 6 pupils at West Park Academy, Darlington, have won the prestigious Eco Skills International Programme accolade for their work in protecting the environment.

The academy adopted the green philosophy in 2006 when it first won the bronze award for its efforts. Two years later it secured the silver accolade and now is the proud holder of the green flag, the highest honour.

A team of 11 eco-warriors have led the drive towards green status embedding eco-friendly principles into the culture of the school.

They comprise Ethan Fishwick, 10, Millie Moss-Wilkin, 10, Alyssa Martin, nine, Owen Shepperson, 10, Laura Reeve, 10, Ellie Crutchley, 10, Alycia Simpson, 10, Tara Keenan, 11, Harry Dorrington, 11, Rebecca Wise, 10, and Connor Nicholson, nine.

The group meets at lunchtime to discuss environmental issues and how to contribute locally to what is a global movement to protect the planet.

Projects include litter monitoring and recycling, coming up with ways to attract wildlife to the school grounds, including birds, rabbits and hedgehogs, and encouraging the academy to adopt power saving measures, such as eco-lighting and checking classrooms to make sure the electricity is off when not in use.

Teacher Jane Welsh said: “The group had to meet a lengthy set of criteria and had their work inspected by a Green Flag assessor in order to secure the award. They are so passionate about the environment and they thoroughly deserve the award.”

Rebecca added: “It feels amazing to become the first school in Darlington to receive the award and we are going to continue our work here as well as take it to our next school.”

News in December