Students chosen to lead their peers at transforming academy

Students chosen to lead their peers at transforming academy

15th July 2015


A MARTIAL arts expert and a potential police pathologist will lend their strength and authority to a rejuvenated academy after being chosen to lead their peers through another successful year.

Lewis Scott and Chloe Nevison were among 11 students who competed in a hustings for the coveted title of head boy and girl.

Each Year 10 student had to apply formally for the senior school position, write a speech and deliver it convincingly to the rest of the school, who then took part in a ballot.

Lewis and Chloe each won with a clear majority and will now lead the school in Year 11 with a team of deputies and prefects.

Taekwondo expert Lewis, who is working towards his black belt, has just won silver at the Dutch Masters fighting for his club Koryo Quakers.

“I was thrilled when I heard I was going to be head boy and flattered that the ballot had been so convincing,” said Lewis, who hopes to fight for Team GB one day.

Chloe, who has just joined the Police Cadets and wants to be a forensic pathologist, added: “We want to make a difference in a positive way to the school, to students’ behaviour and their progress.

“I have been here since Year 7 and seen the academy transform under the new principal. Everyone is now very proud to go to St Aidan’s.”

Principal Nicole Gibbon said: “We had 11 candidates stand and they were asked to prepare and practice a speech about their vision for the academy. I was delighted that everyone put so much thought into their presentations, that their visions matched mine and that they delivered them so beautifully.

“During the speeches you could have heard a pin drop showing that all of our students were completely enthralled by what the candidates had to say and the whole process showed that our culture of respect, kindness, patience, self control, love and joy now pervades every corner of St Aidan’s.”

Deputy head boy Cameron Smith and deputy head girl Chloe Summers will have responsibility as heads of Year 11.
Daniel Hope becomes head of Year 10, Lauren Smith and Noemi Dankova heads of Year 9, Phoebe Morris and Emma Harland heads of Year 8 and Laura Summers and Owen Davies heads of Year 7.

News in July