Paris trip becomes a journey of discovery

Paris trip becomes a journey of discovery

15th November 2016


THE magic of Disney has left students in awe after a trip to Paris became a journey of discovery.

Year 8 to 14 students embarked on a four-day expedition to Disneyland Paris in an innovative approach to take them out of their comfort zone.

For some of the 14 students from Barbara Priestman Academy and nine from Hope Wood Academy it was the first time away from home and the North-East.

Barbara Priestman Academy deputy head teacher Denise Murray said the trip was an opportunity for students to strengthen bonds, improve their communication skills and expand their horizons.

“They were able to enjoy experiences we take for granted with their friends and their obvious sense of awe and wonderment was amazing to see,” she said.

“The sixth formers had been before so they quickly became mentors for the younger children helping them adapt to crowds, buses and the hotel pool.

“These experiences have been really long-lasting and everyone on the trip has got to know each other so much better, boosting their self-confidence and self-esteem.”

News in November