Easter treats mark end of term

Easter treats mark end of term

6th April 2018


PUPILS enjoyed an Easter “egg-stravaganza” as they celebrated the end of a cracking spring term.

Children at New Silksworth Academy, Sunderland, part of the Extol Academy Trust, took part in a host of festive activities as a start to the Easter holidays.

Newly appointed head teacher Emma Robins said: “All our pupils have worked extremely hard this term so we thought that it would be a great way to have a bit of fun by having the academy’s first ever Easter celebration.

“Our early years and key stage 1 pupils have created some wonderful spring collage pictures, our key stage 2 children all took part in an egg decorating competition and the whole school has decorated Easter bonnets for our Easter parade.

“It’s wonderful to have an event that brings the whole school community together but I’m really pleased that I didn’t have to pick any of the winners as all of the entries were just so good.”

Prizes of chocolate eggs, funded by the academy’s parental engagement group, were awarded to all pupils who decorated an Easter bonnet, with the overall KS1 and KS2 winners Kevin Laws and Jay Campbell chosen by New Silksworth Academy business manager Kath Ibinson and school cook Beverley Penman.

Winners of the decorative egg and spring picture competitions also received chocolate treats before pupils formed a procession around the school hall accompanied by music from the 1948 Judy Garland musical Easter Parade.

Assistant head Emma Seaman added: “The children have really enjoyed taking part in all our Easter activities.

“All our pupils, from our two-year-old provision to Year 6, have been learning about the Easter story and why we celebrate at this time of year so it’s lovely to be able to reward all of their hard work with a celebration for the whole school.”

KS1 Spring Picture winners:

Early Years - Christian Hope, Emilea Tyrens, Jake Maynard

Reception - Joshua Richmond, Erin Jones, Evie Ridley

Year 1 - Aaron Humphries, Riley Davison, Steven Williamson

Year 2 - Kenny Anderson, Logan Ferguson, Daniel Oram


KS2 Decorative Egg winners:

Year 3 - Heidi Hutchinson, Hollie Curl, Jake Rose

Year 4 - Lucy Sproat, Katie Pickard, Jared Lancaster

Year 5 - Ava Dougherty, Macey Pearce, Ellie Walton

Year 6 - Gracie Robson, Freya Wallbank, Jessica Jewitt

Easter Bonnet winners

KS1 - Kevin Laws

KS2 – Jay Campbell

News in April